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Transgender Hair Removal

Permanent hair removal is very necessary for the male-to-female transsexual. Instead of having to deal with recurring hair growth, you should consider laser hair removal.

Hair growth for male to female transgender and transsexual people can be a giveaway. The five-o-clock shadow is a big no-no. It is absolutely essential to try to have smooth hair-free skin. Electrolysis can work, but it does take a lot of time, and when you are trying to remove large amounts of hair, time and the pain factor become important.

Laser hair removal can be performed on almost any part of the body and is less painful than other forms of hair removal such as waxing or electrolysis. Laser removal can be done in as little as a few minutes, depending on the part of the body and can be a cost-effective way to achieve permanent hair-free status. The back, chest, arms and face are areas where laser hair removal is commonly performed. When you are changing gender from a male to a female you will want to be free of all unwanted hair on your body.

There's no guarantee the hair won't come back, but laser hair removal does extend the period of time in which the hair is gone. You will be on the road to feeling and looking a lot more feminine with laser hair removal.